Yii Framework
Yii is a powerful PHP framework able to be used for rapid development of modern applications. While Laravel is the leading PHP framework in the industry, some developers prefer Yii.
Developed with high quality documentation in a short time, applications developed with Yii frameworks offer a fantastic user experience and features.
The Yii Framework is a Swift development solution that makes it easy for developers to build applications in a short time.
It provides an Advanced Project Template template that may be utilised by teams as a development environment for multiple-level applications.
It is a widely used high performance framework that enables rapid development.
This is the PHP framework you should use to develop your applications.
Yii appears to be the greatest PHP framework when compared to the best code for high performance applications.
The Guzzle PHP framework’s major goal is to make it easier for developers to design faster apps.
Using a PHP framework takes less time to develop the same functionality and layout than using pure PHP.
It is one of the PHP frameworks that aid in the building of applications.
The best thing about a PHP framework is that it provides secure application development. RESTful PHP Framework supports the fast and easy development of applications of any size.
Open Source Frameworks Frameworks are a process that uses object-based code to develop applications.
There are many basic conditions for building complex web applications and speeding up the development process.
Basic project templates differ from so-called Advanced Project Templates, which are used in team development environments to develop multi-level applications in which their code is organized.
Because of its active development, frequent changes, and steep learning curve, Laravel is more frequently utilized than other PHP frameworks.
Let us compare the Yii and Laravel frameworks to see how different they are.
According to Upwork, one of the largest freelance portals, PHP development services are available for $25-40 / h for Yii and $30-45 / h for Laravel developers.
We justified the decision between Laravel and Yii for web development with the specificity of the project. In practice, our project development experts have identified specific differences between YII and Laravel with each frame.
It is difficult to compare Yii and Laravel in terms of development time.
It is ahead because it is used by more developers and therefore has a larger community compared to Laravel.
If you want to start with a more sophisticated application that is better suited to a team or development environment, consider installing more advanced project templates.
Yii is a full-stack framework that includes query builders, NoSQL databases, RESTful APIs, and more.
we will describe how to install the so-called basic project template and implement new features in addition to it.
It can be used to assign model requirement parameters and validate models.
Yii provides a command-line interface in addition to a web-based interface for interactive code generation for those who prefer to work in a console environment.
You can also run the basic app with Nginx as a unit of the PHP language module.
Yii can be installed, updated, and used with the WAMP server.
How to set up and update on a WAMP server.
Please follow the step by step installation process
Step 1: Set the path to the PHP engine in the system variable.
Right-click “My Computer” and select “Properties”
From the left pane, select “Advanced system settings.”
Click on “Environmental Variables” under the “Advanced” tab. Scroll down to “System Variables” and double-click on the text “Path.”
Now, at the conclusion of the “variable value” field, type in the location of your PHP engine.
“C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.10” as an example.
Simply type the location without the double quotations.
Finally, click OK to exit this window.
Step 2: Make a project folder in the “www” directory.
Simply create a blank folder in “www” that will be the name of your project.
e.g., “demo” It’s also possible to do it from the command prompt.
This is because-
Open a command window and type C:>cd wamp\www C:wamp\www>
demo mkdir
Step 3: Install the Yii framework for the demo project by downloading it and placing it in the www directory.
Download the newest Yii framework zipped file from “http://www.yiiframework.com/” and unzip it. Rename the folder to “yii“
Using the following command: C:wamp\www>cd yiiframework
webapp yiic
Create a Web application in the ‘C:\wamp\www\demo’ directory?
Under C:\wamp\www\demo, your application was successfully generated.
You may now access your project by typing http://localhost/demo/ into your browser.
If you wish to use this installation for several projects, simply copy the “demo” folder and rename it with the name of your project.
When you make the “” folder your backup project folder, all you have to do is copy and paste this folder and rename it to your new project name
If you wish to install the latest version of Yii framework, download the zipped folder from “http://www.yiiframework.com/” and unzip it.
Simply copy the framework folder after unzipping the file, then go to the “yii” folder inside the “www” directory and replace the previous framework folder with the new one.
Yii can be installed in a variety of methods.
Installations that are standard or
Using Composer to install
Both the framework and an application template are downloaded and installed during a standard Yii installation.
An application template is a live Yii application that includes basic functionality like login, contact form, and so on.
Its code is organized in a logical manner.
As a result, it can be a fantastic place to start for your initiatives.
We’ll show you how to install Yii using the so-called Basic Application Template, as well as how to add additional functionality to it.
It also includes an Advanced Application Template, which is better suited for developing multi-tiered applications in a collaborative development environment.
Note: The Basic Application Template may be used to create 90% of Web apps.
It differs from the Advanced Application Template mostly in the organization of its code.
If you’re new to Yii, we recommend starting with the Basic Application Template, which is straightforward but functional.
Using Composer to install
If you don’t already have Composer installed, go to getcomposer.org and follow the instructions.
You’ll run the following commands on Linux and Mac OS X:
-s curl
php | http://getcomposer.org/installer
composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Download and run Composer-Setup.exe on Windows.
If you run into any problems or wish to learn more about Composer, please consult the Composer documentation.
If you already have Composer installed, check sure you’re using the most recent version.
Composer may be updated by executing composer self-update.
You may install Yii using Composer by running the following instructions in a Web-accessible folder:
require “fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.0.0” in composer global
create-project —prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic yiisoft/yii2-app-basic yiisoft/yii2-app-basic yiisoft/
The first line installs the composer asset plugin, which allows you to use Composer to manage bower and npm package dependencies.
It’s only necessary to use this command once.
The second command creates a directory called basic in which this will be installed.
If you like, you can change the directory name.
Note: Composer may ask for your Github login details throughout the installation process.
This is expected because Composer requires a sufficient API rate-limit in order to receive the dependent package information from Github.
Please see the Composer documentation for further information.
Instead, use the following command, which includes a stability option, to install the most recent development version of Yii:
composer create-project yiisoft/yii2-app-basic basic —prefer-dist —stability=dev
It’s important to note that this development version should not be used in production because it may damage your existing code.
Using an Archive File to Install
There are three steps to installing Yii from an archive file:
From yiiframework.com, download the archive file.
Unzip the downloaded file to a folder that may be accessed via the Internet.
Create a secret key for the cookieValidationKey configuration item in the config/web.php file (this is done automatically if you use Composer to install Yii):
‘cookieValidationKey’ => ‘cookieValidationKey’ => ‘cookieValidationKey’ => ‘cookieValidationKey’ => ‘cookieValidationKey’ => ‘cookieValidationKey’ => ‘c
‘Enter your secret key here,’ says the message.
Alternative Installation Methods
The instructions above illustrate how to set up Yii, which also produces a basic Web application that runs right away.
This method is a fantastic place to start for most undertakings, big or little.
It’s very useful if you’re just getting started with Yii.
However, there are additional installation options:
You can follow the instructions in Building Application from Scratch if you simply want to install the basic framework and want to develop a whole application from scratch.
Install the Advanced Application Template if you wish to start with a more advanced application that is better suited to team development setups.
Inspection of the Installation
After installation, navigate to the following URL in your browser to visit the Yii application:
This URL implies you’ve installed Yii in a directory called basic, which is located right under the Web server’s document root directory, and that the Web server is operating locally (localhost).
It’s possible that you’ll need to tweak it to fit your installation scenario.
This has been installed successfully.
In your browser, you should see the “Congratulations!” page mentioned above.
If this isn’t the case, make sure your PHP installation meets Yii’s prerequisites.
You can use one of the following methods to see if the minimal requirements are met:
Access the URL http://localhost/basic/requirements.php using a browser.
Execute these commands:
cd basic (change directory to basic)
php requirements.php
You should set up your PHP installation to fulfill Yii’s minimum system requirements.
Most significantly, PHP 5.4 or above is required.
If your application requires a database, you should additionally install the PDO PHP Extension and a database driver (such as pdo mysql for MySQL databases).
Yii, Development, Tools And Web Applications
While Laravel is the leading PHP framework in the industry, some developers prefer YII.
The discussion above ends with the idea that Laravel framework is the most suitable framework for the development of large-scale applications while YII is perfect for small, medium and large applications.
The advantages of this framework outweigh the disadvantages, making it beneficial and worthwhile for every developer.
It is a wonderful framework for developing Swift and corporate software, according to users, because it features a code generator and CRUD functions.
The best thing about Yii 2.0 is its GII Code Generator tool, which ensures that it meets all the requirements of modern web application development.
This framework, which allows a maximum reusability of web programming, enables the development of large-scale applications in a fast time span.
Yii Framework 2.0 has powerful features such as superior flexibility, good code security, short and fast development time, easy installation and much more.
It’s application development process has advanced caching which is useful for applications with high traffic and introduces the next-generation PHP web application development framework.
This framework is gaining popularity in the development of applications by helping developers create structured, efficient and compliant websites in the shortest possible time.
Its simple and well-planned architecture helps developers develop advanced applications.
Amazing attributes such as security, extensibility, topic organization, error handling and integration with other frameworks make Yii a great choice for web application development.
The Yii application development process is very supportive and has a wide range of wizards to perform tasks such as rough creation, reading, updating, deleting etc., which makes Yii unique as these tasks are not something we find in other frameworks.
Many web developers offer professional services for Laravel Framework Development.

There are people around the world who can help you when you get stuck developing an application with more than 2,523,231 people using the Yii Web Development Framework.
The PHP framework is a popular web development platform that enables developers to develop high-end applications with their advanced and robust features.
It supports applications with its exquisite and elegant syntax, which helps Laravel developers to perform common tasks such as session authentication, queues, quiet routing, catching, etc.
There are several PHP frameworks that PHP developers use for web development such as Joomla, Yii, Symfony, CodeIgniter, Phalcon, Zoomla, CakePHP, Drupal, Zend Framework and many others.
While several PHP-compatible frameworks are available on the market, we will discuss the two preferred frameworks Yii and Laravel.
Both Laravel and Yii have their own key features and attributes that make them two of the most powerful PHP frameworks.
Because it is more sophisticated than other frameworks and requires some knowledge of the PHP language, it may not be suitable for beginners.
Some developers deviate from using Yii as a framework for their web programming needs.
It has maintained its official website, claiming that it is one of the greatest PHP frameworks for software development since it is quick, safe, and easy to use.
Similar to Laravel Development Service, It has open-source code but has rules and drawbacks of the Prado framework.
Since It has powerful features and provides a high level of security, developers should choose a framework based on the importance of the features of the project and the know-how of the framework.
Everyone agrees that this framework is not only one of the most popular PHP frameworks for web development, but also one of the most promising open-source frameworks for developing applications.
This is a new version 1.0, released on December 3, 2008. It follows the idea of a fast, secure and professional framework that allows the reusability of web programming and accelerates the development process of applications.
There are various frameworks in the PHP industry that strive to be better than the others, and YII and Laravel have risen to the top of the popularity rankings.
Despite the strong competition, both frameworks are among the best PHP frameworks for software development.
Both frameworks have excellent features, and we provide the differences between them to help developers choose the right framework.
YII makes PHP web development an enriching and intuitive experience and is suitable for large web applications such as e-commerce projects, forums, web portals, content management systems, RESTful services and much more.
An efficient team of professionals contributes to its growth and development by incorporating new features and advanced practices into the framework to develop it into a sophisticated and performance-oriented web application framework.
Laravel Development Company Chapter 247 believes that an important factor in selecting a rich PHP framework is how well everything works together.
Because of its active development, frequent upgrades, and steep learning curve, Laravel is more widely utilised than other PHP frameworks.
For example, in the case of validation rules, you can define entire classes of validation types and define action models for validation in CakePHP Doesanda Luiza.
Different Reasons Why Yii Is The Best PHP MVC Framework
One of the most popular PHP web development frameworks is Zend PHP Framework, which has 5k GitHub stars for transitioning laminas projects.
Laravel is placed 7th in the PHP benchmarks list of the most powerful web development PHP Frameworks and is on top of our list due to its huge community, extensive functionality and ease of use.
CakePHP is ranked 6th in the PHP benchmark and Laravel is a web development framework.
It is an easy-to-use, powerful, component-based PHP framework for developing modern web applications.
The YII-2 framework is a lightweight framework with great performance, speed, and development time.
Fuelphp is a component-based framework that is powerful and easy to develop a modern PHP web application.
The finest PHP frameworks are ranked according to their popularity and ability to enable web development.
PHP frameworks have enough libraries to build your own PHP MVC framework for your web application development.
Once you have created it and added it to the long list of available PHP frameworks to run and render high quality websites and development projects, it will educate interested people about the features and functionality of the framework.
CodeIgniter is one of the most reliable PHP frameworks.
It has a small footprint and was created with developers in mind, so they may have a simple and elegant toolset for creating web apps.
It is therefore an ideal PHP framework for the rapid development of web applications. Laravel is a popular PHP web framework with great extensibility for high quality applications.
This framework is good for developing small applications that do not require the full stack of frame functions.
You can consider CodeIgnitor MVC Framework the best PHP framework for web development because it has a small footprint (less than 2 MB) that allows developers to develop dynamic web applications.
PHP-5 object classes are used to develop OOP-based frameworks.
Slim is a popular micro-PHP framework for building simple yet powerful web apps.
It also comes with a.NET API.
PHP has a variety of frameworks with strong technical capabilities such as Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter, YII-2, Phalcon, CakePHP, Zend, Slim, etc.
A programming language facilitates application development through its framework conditions such as PHP.
Frameworks offer libraries that can be utilised as functions, reducing the amount of code that developers must build from start.
Topping our list is a new and popular (if not the most popular) framework – Laravel. Laravel, which was released in 2011, has topped the charts for quite some time now.
Its immense popularity can be attributed to his ability to handle complex web applications with added security and speed compared to other frameworks.
Although CakePHP was the first PHP MVC framework ever, it is also the most widely used.
It had functions such as translation, database access, caching, validation, authentication and many others and was built as one of those original PHP MVC frameworks.
One of the most difficult aspects to decide on the right framework for your application is in the initial phase of project development.
Frameworks are useful because they speed and standardize the development process and reduce doubts before beginning to build the application.
Whether you want to build a web application from scratch or adapt an existing one and extend its functionality, a PHP framework is a good addition.
PHP frameworks with code generation capabilities are available, which eliminate encoding time and allow developers to create world-class online applications in a set amount of time.
We have compiled a list of the best PHP frameworks that modern web developers will use in 2021, tying into all the factors that make PHP so popular.
Symfony is not only a PHP Web Development Framework – with 245K + GitHub stars – but offers also over 50 standalone reusable PHP components for faster development of web apps.
Phalcon is another PHP framework that is good for performance development, REST APIs, and functional web applications.
All three PHP frameworks are excellent options in the battle between YII, Laravel and Symfony that provide developers with a complete development environment.
PHPixie was launched in mid-2012 as a powerful open-source framework for PHP web applications using a natural implementation that enables the creation of complex models for example in HMVC.
It handles things like it’s a framework for read-only sites like social networking websites, custom web apps, web application development services, small apps, and developing various projects.
Fuelphp is a PHP-based open-source Web application framework.
This implementation was introduced in 2011 and uses a Hierarchical Model View Controller.
Websites and applications built with PHP frameworks are more responsive, which helps businesses reach their performance goals.
Many frameworks are used to create unique web applications and the best PHP networks are adopted by web developers to simplify the app creation process.
This article describes about Yii, Open Source, Projects, Requirements, Installation, Development, MVC, Tools And Web Applications, Why Yii Is The Best PHP Framework.
Note: The information in this article is based solely on information found on the internet and does not come from any private sources.